Play Bike Game – Free Rider 3


Free Rider 3 allows the player to bike through the most exhilarating courses at break neck speeds, featuring thousands of users created courses to test your skills on, or to cause as much harm as possible to your character.

Up arrow – Accelerate
Down arrow – Break
Left arrow – Pull backwards on your bike
Right arrow – Push downwards on your bike
Z – Change direction
B – Throw your character off his bike
W – Pan camera up
S – Pan camera down
A – Pan camera left
D – Pan camera right

Free Rider 3What’s it all about?
When creating your own track your mouse can be used to draw lines to create your own personalized course, there are numerous design choices when creating your own map which can be accessed by clicking the multiple buttons on the course design page.

The basic idea of the game is as simple as it gets, get to the end of the course and collect gold stars along the way, However the courses are often made more difficult by a variety of jumps, flips, deadly traps and gigantic cliffs to plummet off, luckily you can always quickly reset to your last unlocked checkpoint. Not only are there thousands of difficult levels for you to navigate, there are also many very well designed maps visually featuring background decorations to create numerous environments, from caves and forests all the way up to haunted houses and modern cities, allowing you to leap from the tops of multiple sky scrapers or bike away from ghosts throughout deadly environments.

Another level of depth to this game is the various power ups, such as speed ups, slow down and gravity changers launching you up, down, backwards or forwards and increasing or slowing your speed at any time. Your score on each level can also be improved by performing tricks such as flips, using the Z key to change your direction allows you to jump between the same 2 areas over and over again in order to increase your score as high as you can.

Free Rider 3 same way as SSF 2 features a rating system for its custom user created levels, allowing you to play the most popular levels with ease and enjoy the best the game has to offer without wasting time on poorly created user tracks. Not happy with simply playing other peoples courses? Feel free to use the built in level editor to create your own artistic masterpiece, or maybe just a cruel track with as many traps as possible to ensure only the most hardcore players can compete it, your level could be up-voted to the top of the level list and played by millions of players all over the world, so enough reading and get gaming!

Cheats & BTD 5 Unblocked Online


Bloons Tower Defense 5- what is this?
BTD 5 Unblocked is a highly addictive puzzle/arcade game. The whole point is to set up monkeys so they pop balloons. It’s more interesting than that though. BTD 5 Unblocked is a level based game. You place your army of monkeys strategically so they can pop balloons as they race through a predetermined maze

Getting started
The first image you are given is a map with a few options. The leader board, to see your progress worldwide. A chest where you can get daily rewards when logged in. Special Agents, where you can purchase (with your in game “money”) stronger monkeys to help you in the level. Premium, where you can purchase (real money) more fun warriors when logged in. Medals and Towers both show your progress in the game. Finally the button “play”. You then choose which type of game you wish to play, the level (easy, medium, hard, etc.) and of you go.

Play the Game
You have the regular “New Game”. Here you start at the beginning. After choosing your level you places your first three monkeys. Bloons is a mouse operated game, just like GetAwayShootOut. You just left click on the green field where you want your monkeys and press, in the bottom right corner, the play button. Here you can also speed up your game if you want the balloons to move faster. As you progress, you get stronger and better weapons as well as stronger balloons. The main point is to strategically place your monkeys so no balloon escapes. In medium mode you have 150 lives, so 150 point balloons can be lost. That is, red balloons are counted as one, but yellow ones count for 4. If you want to do something else, which is hard to do once you start playing, you can save your game at the bottom right corner. This can be loaded in the menu under “Load Game”. The other two options are available as you level up.

main towers in bloons tower defense
Game play

There is no story line, and BTD 5 unblocked really doesn’t need one. The game play is simple, and not so interesting at the beginning. This, though, gives you time to get used to the game itself. Once things get going it is very hard to stop. This game is highly addictive and be advised, do not play if you have obligations. The cute art, and simple controls (left mouse button controls everything) make it easy to play and very enjoyable. It is quite repetitive though. If you are expecting something new and amazing to happen don’t. It is literally just monkeys popping balloons.

Cheats & BTD 5 Unblocked Online

This is a great arcade. The strategic element makes it even more fun and hard to walk away from. As you progress you can change the maze, which stops it from being too repetitive. Other than that it’s really very simple. Not a big brain teaser, but what it lacks in change and puzzle it makes up for in pure unadulterated fun.